Tone Bells or Hand Bells
Learn more about how to use tone bells or hand bells here -
This activity is good for older children, ages 8 to 11.
Beforehand Preparation
Obtain at least two or three sets of handbells, each bell pitch marked in a different color.
Make a poster of the song with each note in the appropriate color. For Tone Bells use the letter name of the note.
Tell the children you have brought the tone bells today and here are the rules. 1. Place the bell on your stomach or leg when you are not playing. 2. Don't touch the inside of the bell because it is my personal property and I am only letting you use it. 3. Play your bell only when I touch your color of bell on the chart. Hand out the bells.
Have the children take a turn to practice playing their color of bell. Ask for all the red bells to play, then the yellow bells to play, and so forth. It gives the children a chance to practice starting and stopping. Be strict about not playing the bell when it is not their turn.
Ask the children to focus on the chart. Breath, and start pointing to the colored symbols in the rhythm of the song. The children play that color of bell when you point to it.
Benefits of this Activity
Good for logic, spatial/picture, people interaction, and musical intelligence. See Chapter Five.
Learn more about how to use tone bells or hand bells here -
This activity is good for older children, ages 8 to 11.
Beforehand Preparation
Obtain at least two or three sets of handbells, each bell pitch marked in a different color.
Make a poster of the song with each note in the appropriate color. For Tone Bells use the letter name of the note.
Tell the children you have brought the tone bells today and here are the rules. 1. Place the bell on your stomach or leg when you are not playing. 2. Don't touch the inside of the bell because it is my personal property and I am only letting you use it. 3. Play your bell only when I touch your color of bell on the chart. Hand out the bells.
Have the children take a turn to practice playing their color of bell. Ask for all the red bells to play, then the yellow bells to play, and so forth. It gives the children a chance to practice starting and stopping. Be strict about not playing the bell when it is not their turn.
Ask the children to focus on the chart. Breath, and start pointing to the colored symbols in the rhythm of the song. The children play that color of bell when you point to it.
Benefits of this Activity
Good for logic, spatial/picture, people interaction, and musical intelligence. See Chapter Five.