Draw the Song
This song is good for children ages 3 to 7, and ages 8 to 11.
Beforehand Preparation
Sing the song and draw some stick figures that illustrate the concepts of the song.
Tell the children you have a picture to draw for them. Sing the song and draw the stick figures to illustrate the concepts of the song on a whiteboard or chalkboard. (For some reason the children are intrigued by this process and watch you carefully. Don't worry about the quality of the illustrations. It is better to draw quickly and not so carefully.) I will often ask the younger children if there is something else I should draw to help show the song. I take their suggestions and try to draw it.
An adaptation of this activity for older children, I will pass out pencils and paper and ask the children to pick one of the ideas in the song. I ask them to draw a picture to illustrate some part of the song as I sing the song four times (or whatever number you choose). I tell them that I would like to use their drawings to illustrate the song for the younger children.
Benefits to this Activity
Good for learners that use visual intelligence (See Chapter Five). Great for active participation in the learning process (See Chapter One). Good for Concrete Representation of the concepts (See Chapter Seven and Chapter Five).
This song is good for children ages 3 to 7, and ages 8 to 11.
Beforehand Preparation
Sing the song and draw some stick figures that illustrate the concepts of the song.
Tell the children you have a picture to draw for them. Sing the song and draw the stick figures to illustrate the concepts of the song on a whiteboard or chalkboard. (For some reason the children are intrigued by this process and watch you carefully. Don't worry about the quality of the illustrations. It is better to draw quickly and not so carefully.) I will often ask the younger children if there is something else I should draw to help show the song. I take their suggestions and try to draw it.
An adaptation of this activity for older children, I will pass out pencils and paper and ask the children to pick one of the ideas in the song. I ask them to draw a picture to illustrate some part of the song as I sing the song four times (or whatever number you choose). I tell them that I would like to use their drawings to illustrate the song for the younger children.
Benefits to this Activity
Good for learners that use visual intelligence (See Chapter Five). Great for active participation in the learning process (See Chapter One). Good for Concrete Representation of the concepts (See Chapter Seven and Chapter Five).