Choose the Missing Word (O)
This activity is good for children ages 8 to 11.
Beforehand Preparation
Make a word chart for the song. However, instead of putting all the words on the chart, leave a blank line for at least 5 to 8 of the major words of the song. On separate word strips, write each of those major words for the song that you left off of the word chart. In addition, write a synonym for each of those word strips on similar word strips. For instance, if the word from the song is faith, you would make a word strip for faith, and one for belief. If the word from the song is prophet, you would also make a word strip for seer.
Display the word chart at the front of the room. Tape the word strips around the room or off to one side. Ask the children to figure out what the missing words are in the song as you sing. When you have finished singing the song, ask the children to raise their hand if they know the first missing word. Tap one of those who have raised their hand on the shoulder to go get the word strip with that word and tape it to the word chart. Ask who knows the second word to raise their hands, then tap one of them on the shoulder to tape that word to the word chart. Continue until all the words are up on the word chart. If the children need you to sing the song one more time to figure out the words, do so.
Activity Extender
Once all the words are on the word chart, ask the children to only sing the words on the word strips and you will sing the other words. Switch and have the children sing only the words that are not on the word strips.
Benefits of this Activity
Great for active participation in the learning process (See Chapter One). Great for audiation (See Chapter Two). Good for those learners that need to see and hear words (See Chapter Five). Great for the logic intelligence (See Chapter Five). Great for a high concentration activity (See Chapter Four). Because of the synonyms, this is a good way to show words with similar meanings in order for the children to unconsciously learn more about the meanings of the different words from the song.
This activity is good for children ages 8 to 11.
Beforehand Preparation
Make a word chart for the song. However, instead of putting all the words on the chart, leave a blank line for at least 5 to 8 of the major words of the song. On separate word strips, write each of those major words for the song that you left off of the word chart. In addition, write a synonym for each of those word strips on similar word strips. For instance, if the word from the song is faith, you would make a word strip for faith, and one for belief. If the word from the song is prophet, you would also make a word strip for seer.
Display the word chart at the front of the room. Tape the word strips around the room or off to one side. Ask the children to figure out what the missing words are in the song as you sing. When you have finished singing the song, ask the children to raise their hand if they know the first missing word. Tap one of those who have raised their hand on the shoulder to go get the word strip with that word and tape it to the word chart. Ask who knows the second word to raise their hands, then tap one of them on the shoulder to tape that word to the word chart. Continue until all the words are up on the word chart. If the children need you to sing the song one more time to figure out the words, do so.
Activity Extender
Once all the words are on the word chart, ask the children to only sing the words on the word strips and you will sing the other words. Switch and have the children sing only the words that are not on the word strips.
Benefits of this Activity
Great for active participation in the learning process (See Chapter One). Great for audiation (See Chapter Two). Good for those learners that need to see and hear words (See Chapter Five). Great for the logic intelligence (See Chapter Five). Great for a high concentration activity (See Chapter Four). Because of the synonyms, this is a good way to show words with similar meanings in order for the children to unconsciously learn more about the meanings of the different words from the song.